Powerapps filter if value in list - SearchText) StartsWith(Make,Self.

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By the way my lookup column has a multiple values. Use these examples to help you filter a SharePoint list. The LookUp function finds the first record in a table that satisfies a formula. Lets first get all distinct emails and put them in an array. Value does not equal textColumn, if yes, update textColumn. After that, take use of the Lookup function to find the proper field, for example, if here you would like to take use of the Price field of List 1, based on the Dropdown selection, then the formula. Each project has a unique Project ID, named ID. ClearCollect- It deletes all the records from a collection and then adds a different set of records to the same collection. I assume that it&x27;s lookup filed. Filter(source, condition) Where source is the data source and condition is what you&x27;re testing each row against to see if it&x27;s included in the result. Please let me know if the above solution could solve your problem. There are two lists - &39;Scenarios&39; and &39;Tools&39;. This is a Choice type column that allows multiple options. If you want to get the original value (Corporate Booking) rather than CorporateBooking within your app, I think the Substitute() function could achieve your needs. Text && SearchTitle. Filter (listA,1 Lookupfield. The second list &x27;Tools&x27; is shown as a Gallery in the app, and should be filtered based upon. First (Filter (is equivalent to Lookup () and will result in only one record in your gallery. KirkT and VolkanEmre, Found a solution that works for a reverse filter of a collection. Hi Kmayes , Actually, it is an known issue with Calculated type field of SP list in PowerApps -- The "Calculated" field could not be delegated within PowerApps app. Altered the combobox in the form to set its Items property to Filter (Choices (DocumentManagement. Yes, you can directly reference the filtered results into the Gallery Items. This output would be "Sue". 02-04-2020 0202 AM. I have managed to get that portion to work but I also am looking for the results to only display the items that have a empty completion date. I&x27;ll keep this simple. Fields that are displayed in the list (Display Fields) Fields that are used as a search field when user filters value (Search Fields) We use in both cases Title field and set the values as "Title". Result), Column2). Gender), Text (Value) txtEnterGender. After saving the item - the value of the column is empty. As an alternative solution, you could consider take a try to replace the TRUE or FALSE value with 1 or 0. In response to darry3ni. Email), "msdyntimeentryid", If (SortDescending1, Descending, Ascending)) The accounts entity should be added into the data source before you try this formula. One other thing we want to do on this drop-down is to set up a variable that stores the filtered results so. If that column is a Lookup, then it will have a Value and an Id property. The following code filters the accounts table in CDS to match records where &x27;Account Number&x27; field has a matching value in the &x27; Code &x27; property of a local collection. I have a value (Part1abc) that needs to be searched in the "PartAName" lookup column in the sub-list and get this record and then need the value of the Status column of that record. The issue is PowerApps doesn&x27;t filter column "MonthYear". Greetings, I have a PowerApps that filters the content of a SharePoint List using it&x27;s metadata. Result, StaffStaffDropDown. DisplayNameUser (). The Power of Community Impact Reflecting on their experiences, Geetha and Ben emphasize the profound impact. Value,Value,",") For the second question, it is easier than the original one. Intended I want the filter to be ignored if the dropdown is set to blank (I think, right now the filter is LOOKING for blank instead of discarding). Gallery 1 itemsFilter (colFilterGallery1, Start>StartDateSearch. This means values in other columns is not considered at all, they might have a value or they might be blank. ForAll (AllSitesInDistrict, Collect (collUsersInSite,Filter (UserSites,SiteCode"<siteID to pass here>"))) View solution in original post. Hi User2020. Where the column in table 2 is a lookup value from table 1. 12-29-2021 0521 AM. DeskName AND selectedDate IS NOT "Desk Reservations". If your formula for items does not return a Value, then substitute as necessary. Try this Filter (&x27;OfferRequest List&x27;, Concat (ComboBox1. Value,4)) Check if it could help you. We have a custom lookup for opportunity products called color. However, with all 4 potential items built into the function, the filter does not behave as expected. Requirements The above Power Apps data table will only display those data whose WorkMode is WFO and Position is Deliver Head. Text in Facility && Facilityx0020status. 10-29-2021 0643 AM. Result, true- do something , false - do something) For the filter on third dropdown, you can modify your formula as below. One way to do this is to create a collection of records OnVisible of the screen, that will always be below 2k. Text) Or StartsWith(Carrier, TextInput1. Value "Production" Or Status. Value CustomerDDL. Output collection mySolution40 (filter on greater than or equal to year &x27;2018&x27; AND less than or equal to year &x27;2020&x27;) Year. That&x27;s why I used the code Tijd Tijd. Filter(List1,Not(Tijd in List2. With AI, organizations can unearth value in data across productivity tools like business applications and Microsoft 365. My combobox "Items" field is - Choices (&x27;sharepointlistname&x27;. Remove the default text from the command input at the top. Gender), Text (Value) txtEnterGender. Value),"Title","Group"),"SumOfCategory",Coalesce(Sum(Group,&x27;Revenue Estimate&x27;),0)) It is tough that If you want to directly filter the graphs. Put a form on a screen set to the DocumentManagment datasource. Hi Marcthepunk , Three problems on your original formula 1)you need to add "" besides your column name. Next, add a dropdown control to the screen and insert the below expression on the dropdowns Items property, which will display the Active column or YesNo column data. The Listbox has a 3 options specified in Items "Yes","No","TBC" The expression i am using for the Gallery is Filter (&39;Enquiries List&39;,Approvedx0020byx0020Ax in ListBox1. And this completes this scenario - support for multi-valued fields is possible in PowerApps, albeit not as simple as it should be (and in the future this support will. So if you want filter based on the previous dropdown, you need to specify, "datacardcustomerValue. ) It is. I am trying to filter down a sharepoint list based on a pre-populated field in a label. 3 You want to filter the available Contractor names in the dropdown to only those contractor names who have a "true" value for the Contractorx0020Namex003aAppr column in the same source. You don&x27;t need to filter it in datatables (however you can if you want to as you can apply default search). As a starting case I have created a datatable and am attempting to use. In response to darry3ni. Hello Masters, I have some difficulty to do filter for approval status. Name ID. Distinct (&39;MPD Assets & Consumables&39;,Description) The second dropdown - the serial numbers (Dropdown2) should be something like this Filter (&39;MPD Assets & Consumables&39;,Description Dropdown1. Value,"",Value))); RemoveIf (colReverseFilter,Value"") First block creates the. Hello all powerapps users, I filter my powerapps gallery according that formula, but filter displaying duplicate records. ID) Best Regards, Wearsky. Multi Choice column Produtos. Value cbProjCompany. If you are only concerned with one column, then the above is more efficient. The gallery comes from a source which is a sharepointlist, the list is called "2Cile". 09-02-2021 0519 AM. SearchText) StartsWith(Title,Self. Filter (&39;Observation Reports Test List&39;, ID. In this case you can combine the Sum and Filter functions to achieve what you want "TotalDaysTaken " & Sum (Filter (&x27;Leave Manager&x27;, Status "Approved"), NumberOfDays) It first filters the list based on the status, and then applies the sum to the result of that filter operation. The idea is to filter the gallery using the combo box selections. Examples This formula works for me to filter on Services whose Status Active Filter (Services, Status. Id 1). Text))) If you will always have less than 2,000 records and want to get rid of the Delegation warning. You can&x27;t refer to a sharepoint view. best soil for soybeans. This will help others find it more readily. By the way my lookup column has a multiple values. You can use filter function to filter the categories that are present in table2. The Inventory Database list has a multi-select lookup column that can be set to any number of items from Inventory Metadata. I&x27;m trying to define a filter that will return rows from a sharepoint list where a column of type Person "AssignedTo" is either the current user or a blank value (unassigned). Specify the data source and relevant columns. In the OnStart of my app, I am binding my list to a collection ClearCollect (RecordsCollection, Employees) This is the only formula I&x27;ve gotten to work with no errors, however the value is incorrect (displays 3000, should be <2) Average (Filter (RecordsCollection, &x27;Chicago&x27; Region. The Filter function references this static value, and produces a SharePoint query that is delegable. Distinct (Filter (AssetListData;VendorVendorData. 17 Jun 2021. I&39;m making a PowerApps dropdown that&39;s connected to a sharepoint list. Filter not equal values from the Sharepoint list. Best Regards, Qi. 12-07-2022 1158 AM. I took a gallary instead of listbox and able to show the list of workers there now. Set the Items property of the gallery to Filter (Requests, Team Dropdown1. I&x27;ve a list &x27;Log List&x27; which has a column "ID". 04-29-2022 0436 AM. Filter (Table1;Dropdown1. In the example below, if the user chooses the "All Events" option in the. If I set Gallery&x27;s Items to Filter(VendData,VIDV1DataCard. Title), Value) and have to change the. Select Add data source and add your SharePoint lists (Expense Report and Expense items) as data sources. User selects a particular record from the list (let&x27;s say the ID for that record is 5) 3. If your formula for items does not return a Value, then substitute as necessary. 02-23-2021 0626 AM. Add a connection to the Paid Time Off SharePoint list. 1) Set a variable to get the current user details App -> OnStart -> Set (MyDetails, User ()) Note If you are in edit mode, select the three dots on the left menu and select "Run OnStart". by creating a filter condition that refers to a static email value. List B is the reference list for List A and I&x27;d like when a user selects a Facility on List A, the Area dropdown only shows Areas with a matching facility on List B. Here, we can see the matched values are showing FALSE. Email) Note The &x27; 20180510case4 &x27; represents the SP list data source within my PowerApps app. put a button on the screen from where you want the value. Value "Completed", &x27;Field Status&x27; &x27;Field Status&x27;. Question 2 I have an Edit icon on in the same gallery. So in general it looks a bit like this If(CountRows(LookUp(YourList, ColumnNameEntryToBeExamined)) > 0, true, false). Text)), "Title", If (SortDescending1, Descending, Ascending)) I only get results based on the title content and I would like to be able to show. The operator is an essential component that makes PowerApps filters work. Title Color Size Box. LastName),DateOfOffense),Ascending,Ascending) Now I have the items Distinct, and Filtered properly, however now the dates are out of order. "Filter()" can help you retrieve the value of "EmailDistrib" based on the ID (or the name) of the items you have selected from the ListBox. Result) That will give you a filtered list of serial numbers based on the first dropdown. This column is a person column so the values are names of people from my company. Fullname is. To filter one table by another try Filter(z, y in x. Value) Hours is the choice column that I&x27;d. 01-27-2022 1241 PM. The plan is to use data table to pull the list. Filter gallery by multi select list box. The LookUp function finds the first record in a table that satisfies a formula. I am looking to use the buttons to filter my gallery by Status. On the Insert tab, select Text, select Input Text, and rename the new control to NameFilter. If the Filter function faced Delegation warning issue, you must bulk-load your SP list records into a collection firstly, then apply your Filter function to this collection table. The app searches for records based on the title column (which is a sample reference (Text)). Since this translates to tremendous savings in time. Title1 green small box1. Value dropCategory. FullName)) It goes through the EmployeeName column on table 1 and uses that to filter EmployeeName on Table 2. What you want is this. 10-11-2020 0517 AM. First (Filter (yourSource, your condition statement)). 12-16-2021 1228 PM. Power Apps Choices Function helps to return a table of the possible values for a lookup column. I have tried many ways and none of them works. This is a Choice type column that allows multiple options. My problem is I cannot make this same Filter work when I try to pass multiple Work Order Header IDs at the same time using a Collection or a Set variable composed of a table of these. What I wanted to do was figure out if the current user shows up in any of the Business Segment Experts values for any department, and if so, give them specific rights to do certain things in the Power App. &x27;Project ID&x27;); If (CountRows (Filter (&x27;Test - SSD Sections&x27;, ParentProjID ThisItem. Projectx0020Type), Value in Filter (TimesheetTestingProjectType, ProjectCompany. Next to filter the BrowseGallery, set the Items property of BrowseGallery to Filter (&x27;Equipment Inventory&x27;, Category CategoryFilter). Value) If your filter function also has problem, please tell me the data type of list field and the drop down&x27;s Items. True,False This just wraps up the condition. In response to Anonymous. Value) Regards, Qi. The Power of. The collection for my gallery looks like this ForAll. Text,"Epicx0020Title") The table is on the TaskSelection screen with code as follows Items. Microsoft Employee. Hi pathum , Other than firstly suggest you maybe should consider why you are using Lookup columns (they are not the best friends of Power Apps) - this should work (I assume you are using SharePoint here - you did not specify) Filter (brandsList, Category. 03-21-2019 1123 AM. value, resulting column, ";") - gives us a ";" delimited string of all values in collection1 that don&x27;t exist in collection2. It&39;s simple to do this in SharePoint 2013, but I cant do this in powerapps. Filter Combobox items with another table LookUp value. Using Filter function for Number and Text data type. 02-20-2020 0218 AM. Message 2 of 10. I entered a record in the Sharepoint list with a blank value so that it would populate my dropdown menu. Value in Filter(&x27;Program Codes&x27;,&x27;Active Program&x27;&x27;Active Program&x27;). Those items are created through other screens that have forms to fill. The SharePoint list has 10K Items and it has a lookup column. Example 1 In the below SharePoint List (Customer Care Report Details), there is a Date Time column named Report Date. Check out the latest features in Microsoft Power Apps that will help. Hi, I am trying to filter a Gallery using a ListBox but not succeeding. For example, if you pick Europe (Zone) , the combobox will show only european cities. It&x27;s simple to do this in SharePoint 2013, but I cant do this in powerapps. I created a text box that holds the user&x27;s email address (txtMyEmail. The complete cascaded drop down. Items properties Choices (Solicitudes. Create two drop-down boxes and labels as shown above. I want to ignore the filter if the selected value is blank. Blog Announcements Microsoft Copilot presents an opportunity to reimagine the way we workturning natural language into the most powerful productivity tool on the planet. Text) Where, &x27;Job Seekers Registration Lists&x27; Dataverse Table name. Company C. if it delegation warning, create a collection onvisible ClearCollect (MyLAT,LAT) Then change the formula to Filter (MyLAT,"Q" in Period) ------------. You can create an IF () that executes different Filters based on a condition though. When I use the phrase that Status. 2 is best, but if you absolutely cannot find a pre-filter, then you are left with the other two to choose from. FullNameNameColumn) Any help would be. &39;Title of Project&39;), Value in Filter (Requests,Status. SortByColumns(Filter(&x27;Pool Car Booking&x27;, StartsWith(Title,TextSearchBox1. This is a Choice type column that allows multiple options. A123 (Format text). In PowerApps I am using a calendar component to select a data range of when they need to reserve a. Filter (DataSourceName, RoomLocation Dropdown1. Change the type in the box to the left from Default to HintText. For the first drop-down box, under the Items property, input. Examples of Locations are as follows L. You need to use First (Sort (because Last () and Max () are not delegatable and will not find the right record if your list is >2000 items. Here&39;s what I&39;ve checked-Data source is connected to the form and is refreshed. Value in Topics. Power Apps Choices Function helps to return a table of the possible values for a lookup column. Filter (DataSourceName, RoomLocation Dropdown1. In the General tab, scroll down and go to the Metadata Filter section. Column "Item"is a lookup column, the values of which directly comes from a list called as "List2". The Items property of a Gallery control determines which items it shows. The PowerApps Filter returns a table of records. However simply choosing "No" in the "Ready for next step" field it will find all the "No&39;s" but zero of the "Yes&39;s". 10-29-2018 0543 AM. You can set the value the Data row limit for non-delegable queries to be up to 2000 records. Add Options(Filtering condition). I want list all Questions in Gallery which not saved in answerList (Table) or have for parameter company name no record. Text in Text (JobNumber)) View solution in original post. I assume you&39;d get cirular reference errors if you tried to apply this logic to either of the two original collections themselves. So far I am able to select one name from my combobox and it worked perfectly but whenever I chose two or more it does not work. I have two dataverse tables. Option 1 Filter Gallery By Current User With The User Function. In the Amount drop down I have 1-5 sticks, 5-10 sticks, 10 sticks, and All. The first step is to update the combo box items formula, using a new filter. At the top there is an EditForm with DataSource HeaderEntity. Value SharePointChoiceField. Supplying filter values directly to the Set Filter is also discussed. Email in Businessx0020Contact. ChangeRecord(s) You can provide a change record of new property values that satisfy the condition. 1) The first column in the list has repeating values and the corresponding second column has unique values. powerapps dropdown with a blank value. Gender Dataverse Choice Column name. All ideas, Project-Regional, Project-Global and Unassigned. How to filter PowerApps form to display only items where current user is assigned 12-16-2021 1200 PM. Distinct (&x27;MPD Assets & Consumables&x27;,Description) The second dropdown - the serial numbers (Dropdown2) should be something like this Filter (&x27;MPD Assets & Consumables&x27;,Description Dropdown1. 10-11-2020 0517 AM. Value) "" is delegate function. The Filter function will not change the data source you pass in its first argument; instead, it will return a new collection, based on that data source, filtered by the condition you specify. Result), Column2). We first focus on SharePoint because it is the most popular and the most broken search . Second Combo Box Filter Code. ClearCollect (MyEmailCollection, mailAddress"email1hotmail. Value "Active"). 2 ABC. The formula I used to create the collection is as below Collect (Categories, "1234","235","346") In addition, you may also take a try with the formula below Filter (Gallery, categoryID in Categories. The collection for my gallery looks like this ForAll. Then it extracts the results into a new table. japan porn love story, craigslist dubuque iowa cars

This section describes how Filter List values can be managed through custom sorting and formatting. . Powerapps filter if value in list

There are two lists - &39;Scenarios&39; and &39;Tools&39;. . Powerapps filter if value in list creampie v

Value in the above to the correct column name of your Items property for Dropdown3 (if you are not sure, please provide your Dropdown3 Items property formula). 35,765 Views. This is because Managed Metadata column shown as a text, but indeed its data type still is managed metadata. Courses Table to be searched, the SharePoint Search. itemCategory) If you want to display this filtered list in a Gallery, use the above formula in Items property of the Gallery. Please i need you Help for this Issue. One of the most frequent request. Gallery does not filter with boolean condition. then your filter will work. Hi All, I have a collection with multiple column and I want to check if the particular data is present in the collection. 2) First screen shows the the values form column one. PowerApps Collections Cookbook; Easiest Way To Generate A PDF In Power Apps (No HTML) 3 Ways To Filter A Power Apps Gallery By The Current User; 2,000 Free Power. 2 Answers. Yes, you can directly reference the filtered results into the Gallery Items. 09-02-2021 0519 AM. Hello, I am quite new to power apps and right now I&39;m trying to build an app where the user can perform read and update operation on Sharepoint list record directly from the app. name Dropdown4. When the three screen PowerApp is created (using a SharePoint list as the data source), it also includes a search box allowing us to perform a straightforward . In these cases, PowerApps was simply retrieving all of the items, and letting you sortsearchfilter by any of. You can now able to see the column &x27;B&x27; in DataTable. 03-26-2018 0623 AM. In addition,I noticed that the starting letters of the MerchantName values of the two records are not the same. Such a configuration ensures that the "child" list of departments reflects the data for its "parent" location, as the Locations list in SharePoint specifies. The control will show a maximum of 500 items. 10-06-2022 0732 AM. Value) If is not a multiple look up column, try this Filter(Customer Locations, &39;Customer Name&39;. This data is being pulled from my Approver List with the formula LookUp (Approvers,IDValue (ValueApprover. Value CurrentUser. the first returns the entire record, either append with. Also, it has some records as like the. You can easily search by all columns you want regardless of type. Click the link below to find out more. Value) but don&x27;t know why it is not working. Hi Marcthepunk , Three problems on your original formula 1)you need to add "" besides your column name. I want to filter the support contracts shown in the drop down by not displaying the blank ones and also only displaying the ones that are associated. Community Champion. So for eaxmple. SearchText) Add more fields here if needed). Now the dropdown will only show relevant results. For example in sharepoint list A I have 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. To use equals you have to filter out the time portion of both sides of the equals and compare just the date strings. This is the equivalent of how you would use the Filter in a. Brand), Value in ForAll(Filter(&39;SP List&39;, Area. Items) Returns true if textbox1. Step 2 Select the Data Card Control and Open the Insert Tab to add a Blank Vertical Gallery Control. Contains Data Expression in Filtering a List. Filter (&39;QA Database&39;, ID > 1). Add a dropdown in canvas called "DDtier". Message 2 of 2. The Listbox has a 3 options specified in Items "Yes","No","TBC" The expression i am using for the Gallery is Filter (&39;Enquiries List&39;,Approvedx0020byx0020Ax in ListBox1. Filter(SPList, StartsWith(animal. I&x27;m trying do this Filter(Choices(ListA. Now, let&39;s add to our filter Go back to the designer. Hi Anonymous. Power Apps filter gallery unique value or distinct filter. 3) If the column is choice type, you should use this formula First (Filter (Source,XThisItem. Columnname) text () function will transfer number to text. If no records are found, Filter and . Greetings Everyone. These four are missing in my dropdown BodoFee. Output collection mySolution40 (filter on greater than or equal to year 2018 AND less than or equal to year 2020) Year. Solution I created a collection OnVisible of the screen - ClearCollect (CollectionForBalances,LeaveBalance) I&x27;ve added a label on the screen. Ascending Specify the order you want to display in the second dropdown control. Make sure the combo box has searching enabled, sometimes by changing the Items property value its auto disabled by Power Apps. This is how to use the Power Apps Sort Distinct Filter function. Hello community, I&x27;m trying to filter a gallery (from a SharePoint list) A dropdown result equals to Curso column and a boolean condition applied to Activo column. Community Champion. Person Combo box shows the persons or members from Sharepoint Security Group instead of the full list. This means they must use the Filter function. I have a choices column and want to be able to filter using multi-select on a combo box. Result) &&& (Dropd. Solution I created a collection OnVisible of the screen - ClearCollect (CollectionForBalances,LeaveBalance) I&x27;ve added a label on the screen. Power Apps filter gallery unique value or distinct filter. Value in ListBox1. There are several dropdowns but the first dropdown (System) with choices (OKbase, PowerKey, Money S3) needs to filter choices in another dropdown (Role). Gallery1 Shows a list of all of the apps in the TestAppsList. I have two sources like Source1. In response to darry3ni. Filter (DataSource, If (IsBlank (Criteria1), Column 1 Criteria1,true) If (IsBlank (Criteria2), Column 2 Criteria2,true) If (IsBlank (Criteria3), Column 3 Criteria3. Hi All, I have a collection with multiple column and I want to check if the particular data is present in the collection. There are Text, Number, Lookup column in the list. For this, the following steps are Add a button control to the Power Apps screen. Id Value (txtNameID. In the Answer list i save every answer for the question. The COUNTIF and FILTER formulas below must both be used to accomplish the task of filtering by a list of items criteria. &x27;Legal Entity&x27;) I also have a Dropdown6 filled based on the Dropdown5 selected by setting the Items as Filter(Choices(TestList. Example Table1 ---------- Value1. The list looks something like this You should get the idea. If you want to filter by the value of the choice, you can use a Filter expression similar to the one below Filter (Choices (ProjectTasks. Open your app. the first returns the entire record, either append with. is what is subject to delegation. Text), true, StartsWith (&39;Shift Reference&39;,SearchShift. 01-27-2017 1232 PM. Value"Anand") I hope this resolved your issue if you see any challengeneed further help let me know I am always happy to help. Labels Labels General Questions. Value) Regards, Qi. Text)), "Title", If (SortDescending1, Descending, Ascending)) I only get results based on the title content and I would like to be able to show. Filter Datatable based on Dropdown Value. There&39;s a second list on my SharePoint site which holds associated child items of the first list. The PowerApps Filter returns a table of records. Filter(SortByColumns(colITSystems; "Title"); Lifecycle<>"End of Life") Please click Accept as solution if my post helped you solve your issue. Save and Preview the app. Filter (SharePointList, SharePointListDate DatePicker. PowerApps passing filter through URL 05-22-2019 0710 AM. Message 5 of 5. The problem is, the filter will only get false. Request Type Group is a choice field with two values " Employee Related" or "Position Related". Texttrue),Notify ("Already Exists",NotificationType. I have a choices column and want to be able to filter using multi-select on a combo box. When a user selects values from the Multiselect List box , I want gallery to be filtered based on list box. My SP list linked to powerapps. Set the Items property of the Combo Box within the People field Data card to following Filter (Office365Users. I want to filter data in power apps basing on Sharepoint list. The embedded can vas app lists all the opportunity products for the opportunity and i have added a edit form to edit the opportunity product as well. You can sort by any column, Ascending or Descending. y) or returns a fuzzier match. Text) If loCode is a number field use. Filter (Table1;Dropdown1. In my PowerApp, I want to show the vacation days left for the current logged in user. 3 Des 2020. 04-12-2021 1118 PM. Yes, you need to change your formula to ThisItem. It also closes the item. One of the many Microsoft PowerApps examples for businesses is to create an extended app that acts as a personal assistant and tracks the routine. SharePoint set default value for person or group column. I want to filter where the Location begins where the second number (the character after the second period) is a 1 or a 2. I have an SP online list that has a status column with the below options I added a gallery that is linked to a collection in my canvas app that includes the New, Pending, Approved, Rejected valus. . ainme lesbian porn